squating as queer vandalism
excersice 3
Fave quote
Stryker offers her own rearrangement by refiguring transgender embodiment as an affinity to monsters, to those who have been deemed monstrous, speaking back to Frankenstein in words sharpened by rage.
Link to the article
art that goes along with this well
kinda a bad article but it shows the average viewers experience of the squatter house in paris 59, Rue de Rivoli
the sad reality of this project though is that it got legalised by the government. to fit in within that system. howver to do so. the system made changes. making it no longer a space where the artists could sleep and live in. nowadays its only a works space. wich saddens me as it was a space for creative thinking and invention of new ways of living. but the system saw this as something that could be capitalised and thus it became part of it. however as the feministkilljoys article already stated. keep on loosening the screws and at some point itll all explode
The part of the article that spoke most to me was the part that went on about the rage and to rearrange ourselves and linking that to calling oneself a monster and talking about Frankenstein. I myself am part of the furry community which is a rather big online community of artists creators and consumers. All obsessed with the idea off anthropomorphic animals. Now normally this would be rather odd to bring up. However the whole bit about rearranging ones body. and having an affinity of monsters. All really made me think again of this silly community I’m a part of. As we too often pick and choose bits and pieces of animals that we like to create a representation of ourselves that doesn’t fit the usual norm as its not human but an odd and sometimes monstrous creature. I know that for myself there’s comfort in identifying with the monstrous. Its like taking back the words that were thrown at me and breaking them only to be reused in empowerment.
furthermore. The idea of Frankenstein as a queer activist allegory really spoke to me. Its one of my favourite books and I’ve always found myself identifying with both Frankenstein and the creature. Frankenstein as he was building a creature much as I am building and rearranging my own body to fit my own needs wants and goals. As well as the creature who was brought to life but because their was one feature of the creature that scared Frankenstein the creature got abandoned. Thrown about almost. Hated. Much like other light folks that I know personally. There’s even a part in the book where the creature tries to learn from this other family. He talks to a blind man who cant see him. And all goes well he is adored for who he is. But as soon as the blind mans son comes back he is once again chased out of the house.
Uncoherent thoughst and rambles